I will probably just take a picture of the advising office.
Prof. M.-C. Brunet
/ ECE Chief Advisor for Undergraduate Students 217-333-0716
/ Off. Hours in 156 Everitt Lab: http://www.ece.illinois.edu/current/ugrad/advising.html
/ ECE 110 Course Director
/ Off. Hours in 330H Everitt lab: TuTh 1:30-3pm
-----Original Message-----
From: pure-illinois@googlegroups.com [mailto:pure-illinois@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Dutta, Sumit
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 8:48 PM
To: UIUC PURE Committee
Subject: Re: PURE Committee Meeting Minutes and Action Items 09/03/2009
Professor Brunet,
Yes, a profile for the advising office (with your name, of course (and maybe picture)) would be great to have on the PURE Committee page. After all, we are working together more between our student group and the department program, so it makes sense to have our information together.
From: pure-illinois@googlegroups.com [pure-illinois@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Brunet, Marie-Christine [brunet@illinois.edu]
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 7:58 PM
To: pure-illinois@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: PURE Committee Meeting Minutes and Action Items 09/03/2009
Shall we have also a "profile" of the advising office as PURE coordinator?
Prof. Brunet
From: pure-illinois@googlegroups.com [pure-illinois@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Sumit Dutta [sdutta3@illinois.edu]
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 5:55 PM
To: UIUC PURE Committee
Subject: PURE Committee Meeting Minutes and Action Items 09/03/2009
Dear PURE Committee,
Please note our new email address, once again:
pure-illinois@googlegroups.com. The pure-vision@googlegroups.com does not
work anymore.
All of us should submit a profile to Fan Wu (fanwu1@illinois.edu) with the
following information:
- Goal statement (paragraph or two) for PURE this semester
- Short bio (a few sentences on your interests)
- Picture
- Timeline for goals this semester (by when to get what done)
- Anything else
Thanks for doing that.
Here are the meeting minutes from last week's meeting:
New PURE Ideas
- Palmer - will talk with Physics professors to get PURE started there
- Fan - improvement of current wiki/website
- Ekta and Aditya - professor communications
Continuing Established PURE Ideas
- Aditya and Huiru - publicity with communications with graduate student
groups, announcements in places like ECE 200
- Ramya and Aditya - see how MCB version of PURE is working out
- Aditya - expand PURE-ECE to CS and work with Professor Lawrence Angrave
and symposium; portray PURE as CS
- Sumit - Research Presentations Workshop
- Ayo - semester report
This weeks' goals
- go to group meetings
- Huiru will send updated flyer/presentation to Aditya
Here are the meeting minutes from this week's meeting:
Wiki-link to PURE Google group
Google group has documents; please post latest documents (flyers etc.)
online on google Group
Investigate possibility of private section on wiki
Email Prof. Bernhard
This weeks' goals
- go to group meetings
- Huiru will send updated flyer/presentation to Aditya and post online on
Google Group
Huiru, please do put the PURE Committee documentation materials (slideshows,
flyers, etc.) on the Google Group. Thanks.
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Next week's meeting (330N/M Everitt at 3 PM, Thursday, 9/17) will be
mandatory, though we should try to keep it short.
Here are the meeting minutes from yesterday's meeting:
- We need those committee member goal statements and profiles sent to
Fan Wu <fanwu1@illinois.edu> ASAP
- Explore possibilities of getting a slightly shorter URL or even
redirect from College of Engineering
- Ayo plans to have report ready now and made available to those needing
it, esp. Professor Brunet
- Aditya is meeting with Professor Angrave and is working with
professors and graduate students in the CS department and is modifying
our flyers/presentations to target more on graduate recruitment
- Fan is doing a great job managing our wiki space now; he is contacting
Professor Brunet and getting a timeline put up; he is also putting up
our committee member profiles
- Huiru and Ekta plan to work together on professor communications
- Sumit will start planning the Research Presentations Workshop
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Hi guys,
Sorry that Huiru and I couldn't post the minutes earlier for last week's
meeting on Thursday. We also expected greater attendance.
If you have submitted a goal statement, semester role, and profile to Fan
(or simply posted it online on the wiki) should now think of a title best
suited to your unique role in improving PURE. Please tell Fan what you think
is appropriate and Fan could post it online for you.
Report for CS -- urgent (<1 week) -- needs to have statistics for report
(using Ayo's report and current statistics from Professor Brunet)
New stats include gender, year, major, male/female ratio
Huiru - update PowerPoint
Sumit - get permissions for Quotes; start setting up Research Presentations
Ayo - helping students with goal statements
Fan - continuing his great wiki improvement; adding titles for committee
Only mentors can't select mentees
Are CS majors in LAS allowed in PURE?
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Hi again,
We should post to this email list whenever we plan to recruit/promote
for PURE with some research group. This way we should avoid visiting
groups multiple times.
Here are the meeting minutes for our meeting today:
Aditya - Meeting with Professor Hutchinson's group soon
Aditya - meeting with CS department next week with the materials we all
put together; Professor Angrave has 8 interested CS mentors already and
this is likely to grow profoundly (we plan to launch them in next semester)
Ekta - instead of waiting on Huiru's "permission" she will post her
communications to this email list so that we can review them and provide
some feedback - send emails to professors after enough feedback is
available from all of us
Ekta - talking to IGEM folks (contact from Aditya, otherwise search for
IGEM on the College of Engineering website to get appropriate contact)
Sumit - tell Fan which members were on the committee in the past;
removed old members from being email (so our communications are internal
now--this has been done just now); maintain research presentations
workshop; talk to Huiru
Fan - update the mentor listing system (including prospective mentor
system) on the wiki
Professor Brunet - please make sure to include the PURE URL at the end
of all of your emails, if you could please (http://pure.engr.illinois.edu/)
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Hi guys,
Thanks to Fan, Ayo, and Albert for attending today and to Aditya for
legitimately excusing himself. We are at mid-semester and it's critical
that we carry out our projects in concert. Here are our minutes:
Albert: providing the graduate student perspective
- strongly recommends having a continuously open prospective mentor
page, which has been developed by Fan and is now almost ready to be
advertised to various research groups
- paradigm to potentially try with PURE: when sudden demand for research
help arises, mentors log on to the PURE wiki and select a mentee
applicant and they help the mentor until the end of the next semester,
when they will have enough work that can be presented (experimental
idea; not sure if compatible with CS; but keep in mind)
Fan: almost complete with prospective mentor wiki page
Ayo: will soon get started with mentor/mentee feedback questions for the
end of this semester; not much inquiry from mentees now
Aditya: we need to work out our CS negotiations since many of Albert's
ideas' implementation depend on that.
Ekta: bioengineering update? We should talk now else we will probably
start this too late
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so we probably need two "next" semester mentors list (one from CS, one from ECE). I will look at the steps for selecting mentees to see how this can be clearly separated. right now I do not see.
From: pure-illinois@googlegroups.com [pure-illinois@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Sumit Dutta [sdutta3@illinois.edu]
Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2009 10:57 PM
To: UIUC PURE Committee
Subject: Re: PURE Meeting Minutes for 10/29/2009
Professor Brunet,
Thanks for bringing up that point. Fan and I should make sure to have
next semester's mentor profile page ready.
We do want intermixing between CS and ECE mentors and mentees, so CS
mentors can pick mentee applicants from ECE and CS and ECE mentors can
pick mentee applicants from ECE and CS. For this reason it probably
makes more sense for the professors (you and Professor Angrave in CS) to
manage communications with the mentors in the respective departments.
Then, your communications with mentees would be with the mentees (ECE or
CS) assigned to mentors in the same department (i.e. ECE for you).
That's just the initial thought, subject to any other recommendations
any of us have.
Brunet, Marie-Christine wrote:
A couple of remarks;
Recruiting mentors: Before going door to door, the wiki must be prepared so that potential mentors have a space to update their profile for NEXT semester. not sure where we are on that. Otherwise, we may loose people, who may look at the site now, and see no mecanism to put their profile.
Department responsability: how will the applixations processed (clearly separated ECE/CS)?
From: pure-illinois@googlegroups.com [pure-illinois@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Sumit Dutta [sdutta3@illinois.edu]
Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2009 6:26 PM
To: UIUC PURE Committee
Subject: PURE Meeting Minutes for 10/29/2009
To the PURE Committee,
We will need everyone's help in our operation starting this Thursday to
persuade graduate students and professors to be PURE mentors, first in CS
and then ECE.
If you can help, then email me back and tell me when you are available this
Thursday. We will pick a meeting time accordingly (and it's already likely
to be in the evening).
I was quite disappointed in the attendance last meeting but I understand
Ayo's and Fan's absence.
Meeting minutes for the last meeting:
* Research Presentations Workshop: Sumit: Meeting with Virginia Byrne from
Illinois Leadership Center on Nov. 10 to get this workshop set up and run
within the next few weeks (before break); will plan to better emphasize the
need for presentable slides
* Video: Some suggestions from Albert and Aditya were passed on to Susan
Kantor who is coordinating the video production about PURE (mentees
* PURE-ECE mentors: No update from Huiru; planning to integrate into CS
* Symposium format: Albert: CS department fine with our plans: will maintain
our presentation-based symposium and make posters optional (to be posted
around Everitt/Siebel later); will need parallel sessions for PURE once CS
integrated; some thoughts and ideas:
- ECE 395 presentations
- Poster economics: small size, provided by PURE; use heavily for
* PURE format changes
- Fan: it would be nice to have a "mentees available from last semester"
or some "left over" mentees list that prospective mentors can view; could be
in the form of some database
- Applications are ongoing (late application means application for next
- Mentors contact students in this "left over" mentees list
- Refresh the list and empty out students no longer interested by directly
contacting (could be automated)--done at start of each semester
* Huiru: publicize at the graduate colloquium (ECE 500)
* We all need to go door to door for marketing PURE
* Marketing PURE to CS graduate students and professors
- Forming Team Eloquence
- IMPORTANT: putting together action plan, flyer, and pitch (What is PURE,
motivation for mentors' involvement, case studies) for personal visits
starting right after Thursday
- Flyer: who has the latest flyer? We need our new URL in it. (Huiru?)
- Professor Angrave, Professor Pitt, and CS Advising Head to take
responsibilities similar to Professor Brunet's and ECE Advising Head's
(Professor Kudeki) responsibilities in ECE.
* We will get WCS members to watch our meetings since they wanted to
* Albert: just an idea for the future: ECE course on advising students (for
senior graduate students, prospective faculty) to include PURE mentoring;
would also need screen presentations and perhaps use condensed series of
lectures at Beckman
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Yesterday's meeting went as expected and these were the outcomes of
Ayo: formulated revisions for feedback questionnaire for mentees;
questions sent to Professor Brunet to be added; survey to be made live
very soon
Fan: explained wiki changes for symposium
Aditya: explained situation with Professor Angrave being busy (update on
this?); we must have this letter sent ASAP
Sumit: reported success of Research Presentations Workshop; can hold
earlier in following semesters especially since Illinois Leadership
Center's help may not be needed in the future; Albert is willing to help
run this
We are also making some last-minute recruiting efforts for ECE mentors
for next semester.
As a note, it would be a good idea for the committee to meet with
Professor Brunet next semester *before* the PURE Info Session to discuss
the symposium format and revise the info session presentation accordingly.
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