11 Skills and Attributes: Sustaining Leadership

Leadership Objective: Ensure continuity of responsibilities

Activity: Engineers without Borders Webmaster position transition (2009)

Evidence: EWB Interview Emails for 2009 Webmaster and for 2010 Webmaster

After completing my Webmaster board position with Engineers without Borders-UIUC (EWB) in 2008, I began what seemed like a never-ending series of transitional leadership as I worked closely with the 2009 Webmaster and then the 2010 Webmaster.

I helped interview both the 2009 and 2010 webmasters to help them figure out how to best approach their new positions. I learned to cater to their different backgrounds, since the 2009 Webmaster needed some technical help from me and the 2010 Webmaster simply wanted to know how to best make use of the website. I reminded the new webmasters about examples I set like holding a website usage workshop for EWB project leads.

I felt successful with the 2010 Webmaster because she quickly caught on how to update and improve the website. She fortunately did not need my help in transitioning her position to the 2011 Webmaster.