Research Projects

Last updated by Sumit Dutta on December 15, 2014

Magnetic Domain Wall Devices for Digital Logic

Since 2013, my studies have focused on the magnetic domain wall device, an alternative to the transistor that could reduce the amount of energy needed for computing. Find out more on my group's website. Or, check out my papers.


MIFCraft is an open-source Python-based scripting system designed to make writing MIF files for OOMMF easier and more reliable, wrapping around the OOMMF-extended Tcl system with a Python interface. In January 2018, I am also adding the open source software of OOMMFTools, OOMMFq, and OOMMFLink. These tools complement MIFCraft. While all software listed below is intended for use with OOMMF developed and available from NIST, the software can be extended to work with MuMax including vector processing with OOMMFTools. All the software is platform-independent and is verified to work on Windows and Linux (including Mac). Download links are below:

Nanorelays for Digital Logic

From 2011 to 2013, I studied the nanorelay device, another alternative to the transistor that allows low-power computation. Read my Master's thesis about the first VLSI design with nanorelays! Or, check out my papers.