11 Skills and Attributes: Systems Thinking
Leadership Objective: Work with people in different career phases
Activity: Editor-in-Chief of Dr. Everitt's Neighborhood (2010)
Evidence: Emails with Former DEN Chair and HKN President
When one of my friends was graduating in 2010, he wanted the magazine he founded to live on. The magazine is Dr. Everitt's Neighborhood (DEN), a course and career guide to ECE published by HKN. He asked me if I was interested in taking the reins of editing and publishing the magazine in Spring 2011. I agreed to take the position.
Coming back in Spring 2011 after a semester off-campus, I worked with the friend who founded DEN and the former HKN president to transition into the Editor-in-Chief of DEN. Both the DEN founder and the former HKN president already graduated, but I communicated with them according to their schedules. With their help I figured out how to write to companies to seek sponsorship and worked with a previously lined-up sponsor. I also promptly communicated with the HKN board and initiates to seek article writers.
Communicating with sponsors, the HKN board, and DEN contributors developed my systems thinking in combining support from everyone on the DEN Committee in the past and present to produce one magazine.